For me, reading is an escape. It brings me to this surreal place in life where all my worries, all my problems, all my anxieties simply disappear. When I read I no longer have to think about everything that is going on in the world around me. Be it problems with my family, arguments between friends, or even work at school, all of my issues become insignificant when I immerse myself into a book. The characters in the book become my family. Their friends become my friends. Their problems, mine. In other words, the book becomes my life. It’s what I spend the majority of my time with, it’s what I look forward to coming home to everyday, it’s what I love doing. It’s everything. And the best part about reading is that it’s always there for you. It’s never going to go away. In life, people come and go. Experiences pass. Time continues on. But with reading, there is always another book. There is always another story. And even if there isn’t, you can relive your favorite stories over and over again as many times as you want. Reading is something that is guaranteed. It’s stable. Unchanging. And that is why I love reading.
As Ernest Hemingway said, “There is no friend as loyal as a